Work – Part 2
Cambron Software was set up in 2003 so that I could work on reporting software for schools. Once I became full time in 2006 this expanded to other clients. I began developing Power Music in 2007 because there was nothing else available at that time to display music...
Student jobs
When I was 15 I got a Saturday job in the local chemist shop. This gave me money to finally buy my own things. I worked there until I left school and we moved to the north of the city. When I was 17 I got a summer job as a housemaid at Torloisk House in Mull. I worked...
The first church I remember going to was Bellahouston Parish Church of Scotland when we lived in Ibrox. We were taken to Sunday School every week. I also joined the Brownies for a few years but gave up when I was old enough for the Guides. I do remember being...
Music has always been an important part of my life. When I was a child - probably about 7 or 8 years old - I was sent to ballet lessons. The classes were held in Walmer Crescent, where we lived, so it was easy for me to get to the lessons. However, I didn't enjoy it...