After Life


If there is one thing we all have in common it is that one day we will die, unless the Lord returns first.

As a Christian, I have been promised eternal life through faith in Christ. This means that I have no fear of death, but instead an eternal hope. Once I pass from this life I will enter a new life where there is no sin, no pain and I will be like the man in Acts 3:8 “.. walking and leaping and praising God”. For ever. Amen!

For those who have to deal with the practical aspects that I leave behind I will try to make it a bit easier for you by expressing my wishes here so that I can change them if I change my mind.

Cremation or burial? It doesn’t matter to me – my body is no longer me, so cremation is fine.

Here are the songs I would like at any potential services.

Great is Thy faithfulness
I will sing the Wondrous Story

On the way out, play:
There is a Day –

In Christ Alone (Stuart Townend and Keith Getty)
Amazing grace (My chains are gone) (Chris Tomlin)
There is a Redeemer (Melody Green)

At the end, play:
One Day (When we all get to heaven) –